Freshen Up Your Home for Spring: Tips from a Jersey Shore Interior Designer

house tips

Spring is in the air, and with it comes the annual tradition of spring cleaning. As the weather warms up and the days grow longer, it’s the perfect time to freshen up your home and get it ready for the new season. Here are some tips from Pearce Design Group, an interior design firm in Jersey Shore, to help you tackle your spring cleaning.

Spring Cleaning Steps

Declutter your space

Before you can begin deep cleaning your home, it’s important to get rid of any clutter that may have accumulated over the winter months. Go through each room and make three piles: keep, donate, and throw away. This will not only make your home look cleaner and more organized but will also give you a sense of accomplishment.

Dust from top to bottom

When cleaning your home, always start from the top and work your way down. This means starting with ceiling fans, light fixtures, and shelves before moving on to tables, countertops, and floors. This will ensure that any dust or debris falls onto surfaces that haven’t been cleaned yet.

Clean your windows

In essence, Spring is the perfect time to give your windows a thorough cleaning. Use a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth to remove any dirt and grime from the glass. Don’t forget to clean the frames and sills as well, as they can accumulate a lot of dust and debris over time.

Pro Tip from lead designer, Nicole Kirsch

Using treated fabrics on windows is a great way to protect them from fading due to sun exposure. Our window treatment lines are designed with convenience in mind, as they can all be dry cleaned to maintain their pristine appearance. We recommend dry-cleaning your treatments once a year.

Deep clean your carpets and upholstery

Undeniably, Winter weather can leave your carpets and upholstery looking dingy and dirty. Use a carpet cleaner or hire a professional to give your carpets a deep clean. For upholstery, use a fabric cleaner and a soft-bristled brush to remove any stains or dirt.

Pro Tip from Owner and Designer, Tracy Pearce

Selecting fabrics that balance both function and design is key to achieving a truly remarkable interior space. We pride ourselves on offering performance fabrics that not only offer practical benefits, but also have a luxurious feel. Our carefully curated selection of performance fabrics is designed to meet the needs of any lifestyle, from durable options that can withstand heavy use to fabrics that offer moisture-wicking and stain-resistant properties.

Organize your closets and pantries

Take some time to go through your closets and pantries and organize them. This means getting rid of any clothes or items that you no longer need, as well as reorganizing your remaining items. Consider using storage bins or shelving to make the most of your space.

Spring clean your pantry

Freshen up your bedding

Once you’re organized, you can easily swap out your heavy winter bedding for lighter, brighter options that are perfect for spring. This can include floral prints, pastel colors, and lightweight fabrics like cotton or linen.

Add some greenery

Spring is all about new growth and renewal, so why not add some plants to your home? Not only do plants add a pop of color and texture to your space, but they also purify the air and create a calming atmosphere.

Spring cleaning tip, add greenery


By following these spring cleaning tips, you can give your home a fresh start for the new season. If you need help with your interior design, Pearce Design Group is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Need a little more inspo? Check out our Pinterest board on spring cleaning!

Spring Cleaning tips from an interior designer

March 8, 2023

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